Clare Dubina (b.1977) is a multi disciplinary artist currently located in Naarm (Melbourne), having also lived in the U.K and U.S.A. For the past 20 years, Dubina has moved through various creative roles within fashion photography and visual merchandising, and has only recently (2020) redirected her path back to painting and ceramics. Holding a BFA in Printmaking from the University of the Arts (Philadelphia), Clare draws on the female form as an ever evolving source of inspiration in her art practice, which has led to collaborations with iconic Australian brands such as Viktoria & Woods, Tigmi Trading, Bed Threads and En Gold.

The tactile processes of the various Printmaking techniques heavily influence her current aesthetic through layering, texturing and simplicity. Picking back up from her uni days in 2001, Clare’s work explores the shapes, lines, silhouettes and negative spaces created by the female form, with each series of work nurturing the direction of the next to form a cohesive narrative.


The Design Files

In Style Australia

Bed Threads Journal - The Makers Home Tour

Hunter and Folk Journal

Tigmi Trading Journal - Artist Series

En Gold Journal

Bed Threads Journal - Emerging Australian Artists

Merci Maison - Artist Residency

The Art Collection- Darren James Interiors Blog